Thursday, 1 November 2012

How To Crack A Router For Username and Password

(I will be using Brutus to crack a D-Link route.)
1) When we want to access our router,it will be password protected.We can try the
default username and password.

As you can see,it is password protected.
2) I will open up my Brutus.

3)Configure Brutus.Put the target as the router's IP address.Put in the userlist and
the passlist.After everything is OK,press on START.

As you can see from the picture above, Brutus is cracking the router.
4)Wait for Brutus to finish cracking the router.You will get this result.

You can see that i have get my username and password for the router.
5)Go to the page and type in the username and password.

How To Close Ports

So i've been looking for a while on just how to close a port on a computer. I simply
couldn't find a way. Well, i finally found it. This'll only work for windows users (unless
your unix version OS has netsh).

it's actually quite simple. here's the command for it:

netsh firewall delete portopening TCP portnumber

it's that simple. Simply go to START -> RUN -> and type in that command up there,
and it'll close it for you.

or, you can also open up command prompt (START -> RUN -> CMD) and type in "netsh"
without the quotes to get to your windows firewall settings.

however, since i'm such a nice guy, i wrote it all out in a vbs script for you so that it's automatically runable. as well as a batch script. so here you are fellas:
VBS Script
set ss = createobject("")
set ws = wscript
dim PORT
PORT = InputBox("Enter the port you wish to close:") "netsh.exe"
ws.sleep 1000
ss.sendkeys "firewall delete portopening TCP " & PORT
ss.sendkeys "{enter}"
ws.sleep 500
'ss.sendkeys "exit"
'ss.sendkeys "{enter}"

.BAT Script
@echo off
title Port Closer
echo Port Closer
set /p port=Type the port number you wish to close here:
netsh firewall delete portopening TCP %port%
msg /w * Port %port% has been closed.

Chat with Friends through ms dos Command Prompt

1) All you need is your friend's IP Address and your Command Prompt.

2) Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....!
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

3) Now save this as "Messenger.Bat".

4) Open Command Prompt.

5) Drag this file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.

6) You would then see something like this:
7) Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter
You will see something like this:
8) Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.  Start Chatting.......!

How to change your folders background

Step 1: Have the Folder you want to put the background on open!

Step 2: Open up Notepad, then simply paste in this code:[{BE098140A513-11D0A3A4-00C04FD706EC}]
iconarea_image=***Picture Location Here!***\***Name of File!***

Step 3: Go to ur picture (the picture you want to use!) and right click and select properties and find the file location for example lets say my file is in "my hardrive" it would be located at "C:\\" understand? copy the location!

Step 4: Now go back to ur text document (notepad) and where it says ***Picture
Location Here!*** paste the location...u copied in the previus step!

Step 5: Now after u've done that where it says ***Name of File!*** type the name
of the file including the .jpg .bmp .bip. jpeg etc

Step 6: Save the text document as "desktop.ini" be sure to remember the .ini
extension! click Save as "All Files" not "Text Document" and save the document in the
folder where u want the background to be!
Now just close the folder and open it again it should show the picture as a


Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Create Shutdown,log off, or hibernate shortcut key:

Sometimes we get too lazy and we need some easier way to do our work. Lets create shortcut key to shutdown our computers. At first right click on your desktop free space then click new and select shortcut. A box will appear and type the following word exactly shutdown -r -t 0 . then click ok. A new shortcut folder will be created and you can shut down your computer immediately . For log off or stand by copy the following :
Restart: shutdown -r -t 0
Logoff: shutdown -l -t 0
Hibernate: rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState Hibernate

Reserved Keyword Trick

Do you know that it is not possible make a folder with the name "con? No matter how many times you try to make a folder with the name "Con", you won't be able to do it.
The reason: Con is a "reserved keyword" used by DOS, so you can't create a folder with that keyword. However, there is a way to create a folder with the name “CON”. To do this, go to the command prompt and type "MD \\.\E:\CON. This will create a folder named CON in the E drive of your Computer.

Increase your Computer Speed

This trick will help your computer work faster than ever before. To increase the speed of your computer, please follow the steps below:
·         Go to startclick run and then type regedit”
·         Select "HKEY_CURRENT_USER”, then select control panel folder and after that select the desktop folder. Make sure you do it correctly.
·         You will see "registry setting" on your right hand side. After, select "menu show delay”, then right click on it and select "modify".
·         You will find "edit string option" where the"default value data is 400" Change the Value Data to 000.
·         Restart you computer after completing the above process. You will notice a significant change in your computers’ speed!