Saturday, 20 October 2012

Make your wndows Xp GENUINE.!!

This will allow you to bypass the Microsoft Genuine Validation thingythis method works better than many others i've tried before.
forget the cracks and injectors etc... this is the BEST WAY:
1) start ==> run ==> "regedit" (without the quotes of course)
2) go to the key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents\OOBETimer...and doubleclick on it.
Then change some of the value data to ANYTHING ELSE...delete some, add some letters, I don't care...just change it!now close out regedit.
3) go to start ==> run ==> "%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a" (again, dont type the quotes)
4) the activation screen will come up, click on register over telephone, then click on CHANGE PRODUCT KEY, enter in this key: JG28K-H9Q7X-BH6W4-3PDCQ-6XBFJ.
Now you can dl all the updates without activating,
and the Genuine Microsoft Validation thingy won't bug you no more!!
Works with most WinXP versions though ther r some exceptions...

Try to LOCK ur folder wit out S/W method 1

To hide a a folder name "d:\game"
GO TO start  run and type CMD PROMPT :
type in "d:\attrib game +s +h "
2 unlock the hide :
type in "d:\attrib game -s -h "

XP Animations

You can turn off window animation ("exploding" windows), displayed when you play around with minimizing/maximizing open windows. This makes navigating Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP a lot quicker, especially if you don't have a fast video controller, or if you got tired of seeing it all the time (like I did). smile.gif To do this,
run type Regedit (or Regedt32) and go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER  Control Panel  Desktop WindowMetrics or if you are the only user of your Windows computer
go to: HKEY_USERS .Default Control Panel Desktop WindowMetrics Right-click on an empty spot in the right hand pane.
Select New -> String [REG_SZ] Value. Name it MinAnimate. Click OK. Double-click on "MinAnimate" and type 0 to turn OFF window animation or 1 to turn it ON. Click OK. Close the Registry Editor and restart Windows. Done.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Use pc as an alarm

Now this is specially for the ones who are too lazy to get up even when the trust cellphone dies screeching its lungs out. Its pretty simple Creating the playlist create a playlist of your favourite songs in Winamp, WMP or any other player. Export the playlist as a M3U playlist. M3U is generally accepted by almost every player.
Triggering the alarm point to start==> programs==>accessories ==> system tools ==>scheduled tasks Create a new task and choose program as windows media player or winamp
(May work with others too but I haven't tried anything else)
Choose "daily", Enter the time and choose "every day" at next screen.
It would now ask for password (leave blank in case you don't have one) Right click on the newly created task and check the "run only if logged in" check box. In the properties. Append the path to the playlist you created in the "run" text box. It should now look like Code:
"D:\windows mediaplayer\wmplayer.exe"K:\Playlists\smoothies.m3uthe text inside quotes is my WMP's path. It may vary for you. The text after WMP's path is the one to the playlist. Click OK and you're done.

Disk clean up........

Disk Cleanup
This program used for cleaning harddisk to offer space Click : start Then  run type cleanmgr

Creating 3D Window Effect

You can create a nice 3D effect for your windows
Start go run type  Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Colors
Make sure the following setting are there:
ButtonHilight=128 128 128ButtonShadow=255 255 255

Get the keyboard on your desktop screen!!!!!

Do you want to use an onscreen keyboard .

Its simple: Just go to start press run.  Now type osk and  press enter. You will get something like