Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Create Shutdown,log off, or hibernate shortcut key:

Sometimes we get too lazy and we need some easier way to do our work. Lets create shortcut key to shutdown our computers. At first right click on your desktop free space then click new and select shortcut. A box will appear and type the following word exactly shutdown -r -t 0 . then click ok. A new shortcut folder will be created and you can shut down your computer immediately . For log off or stand by copy the following :
Restart: shutdown -r -t 0
Logoff: shutdown -l -t 0
Hibernate: rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState Hibernate

Reserved Keyword Trick

Do you know that it is not possible make a folder with the name "con? No matter how many times you try to make a folder with the name "Con", you won't be able to do it.
The reason: Con is a "reserved keyword" used by DOS, so you can't create a folder with that keyword. However, there is a way to create a folder with the name “CON”. To do this, go to the command prompt and type "MD \\.\E:\CON. This will create a folder named CON in the E drive of your Computer.

Increase your Computer Speed

This trick will help your computer work faster than ever before. To increase the speed of your computer, please follow the steps below:
·         Go to startclick run and then type regedit”
·         Select "HKEY_CURRENT_USER”, then select control panel folder and after that select the desktop folder. Make sure you do it correctly.
·         You will see "registry setting" on your right hand side. After, select "menu show delay”, then right click on it and select "modify".
·         You will find "edit string option" where the"default value data is 400" Change the Value Data to 000.
·         Restart you computer after completing the above process. You will notice a significant change in your computers’ speed!

Folder Without A Name

Do you know that it is possible to create a folder without a name? Indeed, you can create a folder without any name at all! Follow the steps below to create a folder without any name:
·         Firstly, remove the old name. (right click , rename and click delete) 
·         Then , press and hold down the ALT button and type 0160, then press Enter.
Important: Make sure you have switched on the number pad of your computer when you type "0160".

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

How To Make Your Computer Faster Reply

This tutorial will teach you how to increase your operating system speed 3 times faster. these steps should be applied by either slow and fast computers. it will speed up your operating system surfing.

There are 28 easy steps. it might take a bit long to apply them all especially if you’re not familiar with windows registry, but trust me it worth it.

OK now here it goes…read carefully… coz i wont accept any questions about it…

1.. Visual effects should be set to a minimum.

Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance Settings > Visual Effects Tab > Adjust for best performance

2. Switch Off Desktop Background Image
Right Click Desktop > Properties > Desktop Tab > Background None

3. Disable Screen Saver
Right Click Desktop > Properties > Screen Saver > None

5. Disable Fast User Switching
Start > Settings > Control Panel > User Accounts > Change the way users log on or off > Untick Use Fast User Switching

6. Switch Off Power Schemes
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Power Options > Always On > Turn off monitor and turn off hard discs to Never

7. Switch Off Hibernation
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Power Options > Hibernate > Untick Hibernation

8. Activate DMA on Hard Discs/CD ROOMS
Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager

> IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers > Right Click Primary IDE channel and Secondary IDE channel > Properties > Advanced Settings Tab > Tra

9. Disable System Sounds
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Sounds Tab > Sound Scheme to None.

10. Do Not Map Through Sound card
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Hardware Tab > (highlight your soundcard from the list) > Properties > Audio Devices > (highlight your soundcard from the list) > Properties

11. Disable System Restore
Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > System Restore Tab. Tick the “Turn off System Restore on all Drives”

12. Disable Automatic Updates
Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > Automatic Updates > Turn off automatic updating. I want to update my computer manually

13. Startup and Recovery Options
Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > Advanced > Startup and Recovery Settings > Untick Automatically Restart

14. Disable Error Reporting
Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > Advanced > Error Reporting > Disable Error Reporting

15. Disable Remote Assistance
Start > Settings > Control Panel> System > Remote > Untick Allow remote assistance invitations to be sent from this computer

16. Fix Swap File (Virtual Memory)
Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance Settings > Advanced > Virtual Memory Change > Custom Size. Set initial and maximum size to the same value

17. Speed Up Menus
Start > Run > Regedit > HKEY_CURRENT_ USER > Control Panel > Desktop Folder. Set MenuShowDelay to 1

18. Disable Offline Files
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Folder Options > Offline Files Untick “Enable Offline Files”

19. Disable Remote Desktop
Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Remote > Untick “Allow users to connect remotely to this computer”

20. Disable Internet Synchronise Time
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Date and Time > Internet Time > Untick “Automatically synchronize with internet time server”

21. Disable Hide Inactive Icons
Start > Settings > Taskbar and Start Menu > Taskbar TAB > Uncheck ”Hide Inactive Icons”

22. Disable Automatic Desktop Cleanup Wizard
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display > Desktop > Customise Desktop > Untick “Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 60 days”

23. Disable NTFS Last Access Time Logging (NTFS File Systems Only)
Start > Run > regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > System > CurrentControlSet > Control > Filesystem. Add a new DWORD value - ”NtfsDisableLastAcc essUpdate” and set value to 1.

24. Disable Notification Area Balloon Tips
Start > Run > regedit > HKEY_CURRENT_ USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > Advanced. Create a new DWORD
value called EnableBalloonTips and set to 0.

25. Disable CDROM Autoplay
Start > Run > regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > System > CurrentControlSet > Services > Cdrom. Set autorun to 0.

26. Disable Disc Indexing Service
Right Click Start > Explorer > Right Click Each Disc > Properties > Untick “Allow Indexing Service to index this disc for fast file searching”

27.Restart your pc…Enjoy!

Monday, 22 October 2012

Trick To Show Your Name After Time In Taskbar..

.Hi freinds !
I m here to tell u a trick to add up your name in place of AM and PM beside time and make yourself to feel proud among your group of Friends.
Its simple
Start => Control Panel => Regional and Language option => Customize (beside English US) => Go to TIME tab => Change AM symbol and PM symbol from AM and PM to your name => Apply => OK ...
IS it changed ??? Might be not ...Now go to time in Taskbar and Double Click it to open "Date and time property" ...Look place where time changes in digital form i.e. 02:47:52 AM , click to arrow to cnage the AM or PM by selecting and press arrow. It will Show your name or name that was entered by u, Apply -> OK and be HAPPY 8)

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Clean Out The Prefetch Folder

Windows XP uses a system called 'prefetch' to organize and preload some of the data necessary for commonly used applications and files. A folder called prefetch is used to store the information the operating system needs to carry out this operation.
After several months of use, the prefetch folder may become quite overloaded with older references to software and files that may no longer be in use.It's a good idea to manually empty the older files out of the prefetch folder every few months or so.
To do this: Navigate to 'c:\windows\prefetch' and delete all .
PF files that are older than a week or two.

Keeping the Windows XP Core in the RAM

 If you have 512 MB or more of RAM, you can increase system performance by having the Windows XP 'Core' kept in the RAM instead of paged on the hard disk.

Go to Start -> Run - Type regedit and press enter - On the left hand side tree, navigate to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\
- On the list on the right side, look for an entry called 'DisablePagingExecutive'
- Double click it
- Press 1 on your keyboard
- Click OK
- Exit regedit and reboot the computer

To revert to the default setting, follow the same steps as above, but this time, press 0(zero) instead of 1 on the keyboard.

Hidden Unknown Fact in Microsoft Word

Bill Gates still doesn't know why it happens:
Try out yourself...
Open Microsoft Word and type
and then HIT ENTER....see what happens.
it won't hurt ur system!!

Folder Option Missing

Many of us sometimes find the folder options missing in windows explorer.
Here's the solution Open Run and then type "gpedit.msc".
Now go to..
User Configuration ==> Administrative templates ==> Windows Component ==> Windows Explorer.

Click on Windows Explorer you will find the 3rd option on the right side of screen
"Removes the Folder Option menu item from the Tools menu"

Just check it,

if it is not configured then change it to enable by double clicking on it and after applying again set it to not configured.

I hopes that you will find the option after restarting windows.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

How to Hide the drives(c:,d:,e:,...etc) in Ur Computer

This is a great trick you can play on your friends. To disable the display of local or networked drives when you click My Computer.

1.Go to start==>run.==>Type regedit.Now go to:
Now in the right pane
create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives (it is case sensitive).
Now modify it's value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) .
Now restart your computer.
So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown(all gone...).

To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD item that you created.Again restart your computer.You can now see all the drives again.

Create Your Own Logon Message

1.Click start click run type regedit,
then click ok!

2.In The registry editor, drill down to the following key:
hklm\software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current version\Winlogon.

3.Right click LegalNoticeCaption,
click modify,
Type: THIS IS NEXT TRICK,and then click ok!

4 Right click legalNoticeText,
click modify, and then Close your message!

5.Restart Your Computer.

6.The message will appear every time you logon!

Way to get XP product CODE from CD

It really work
There is a way to get the xp product code from the CD
just explorer the CD then
open the folder I386
then open the file UNATTEND.TXT and
scroll down to the last line
and it goes to show what dumbasses Microsoft are u have a product code.
Have fun u never need to search for a product code for xp again...!!!!

Make the folder INVISIBLE without hiding

Make your folders invincible...
1)Right Click on the desktop.Make a new folder 
2)Now rename the folder with a space(U have to hold ALT key and type 0160).
3)Now u have a folder with out a name.
4)Right click on the folder>properties>customize. Click on change icon.
5)Scroll a bit, u should find some empty spaces, Click on any one of them.
click ok Thats it, now u can store ur personal data without any 3rd party tools

PDF Trick!!!

Hey peeps now u can listen to wats there in a pdf document instead of reading the whole document....
Try out the following key
combinations for Acrobat 6.0 & 7.0:
ctrl+ shift + b ---> To hear the whole document
ctrl + shift + v ---> To hear only the page
ctrl + shift + c ---> To resume
ctrl + shift + e ---> To stop

Make your wndows Xp GENUINE.!!

This will allow you to bypass the Microsoft Genuine Validation thingythis method works better than many others i've tried before.
forget the cracks and injectors etc... this is the BEST WAY:
1) start ==> run ==> "regedit" (without the quotes of course)
2) go to the key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents\OOBETimer...and doubleclick on it.
Then change some of the value data to ANYTHING ELSE...delete some, add some letters, I don't care...just change it!now close out regedit.
3) go to start ==> run ==> "%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a" (again, dont type the quotes)
4) the activation screen will come up, click on register over telephone, then click on CHANGE PRODUCT KEY, enter in this key: JG28K-H9Q7X-BH6W4-3PDCQ-6XBFJ.
Now you can dl all the updates without activating,
and the Genuine Microsoft Validation thingy won't bug you no more!!
Works with most WinXP versions though ther r some exceptions...

Try to LOCK ur folder wit out S/W method 1

To hide a a folder name "d:\game"
GO TO start  run and type CMD PROMPT :
type in "d:\attrib game +s +h "
2 unlock the hide :
type in "d:\attrib game -s -h "

XP Animations

You can turn off window animation ("exploding" windows), displayed when you play around with minimizing/maximizing open windows. This makes navigating Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP a lot quicker, especially if you don't have a fast video controller, or if you got tired of seeing it all the time (like I did). smile.gif To do this,
run type Regedit (or Regedt32) and go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER  Control Panel  Desktop WindowMetrics or if you are the only user of your Windows computer
go to: HKEY_USERS .Default Control Panel Desktop WindowMetrics Right-click on an empty spot in the right hand pane.
Select New -> String [REG_SZ] Value. Name it MinAnimate. Click OK. Double-click on "MinAnimate" and type 0 to turn OFF window animation or 1 to turn it ON. Click OK. Close the Registry Editor and restart Windows. Done.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Use pc as an alarm

Now this is specially for the ones who are too lazy to get up even when the trust cellphone dies screeching its lungs out. Its pretty simple Creating the playlist create a playlist of your favourite songs in Winamp, WMP or any other player. Export the playlist as a M3U playlist. M3U is generally accepted by almost every player.
Triggering the alarm point to start==> programs==>accessories ==> system tools ==>scheduled tasks Create a new task and choose program as windows media player or winamp
(May work with others too but I haven't tried anything else)
Choose "daily", Enter the time and choose "every day" at next screen.
It would now ask for password (leave blank in case you don't have one) Right click on the newly created task and check the "run only if logged in" check box. In the properties. Append the path to the playlist you created in the "run" text box. It should now look like Code:
"D:\windows mediaplayer\wmplayer.exe"K:\Playlists\smoothies.m3uthe text inside quotes is my WMP's path. It may vary for you. The text after WMP's path is the one to the playlist. Click OK and you're done.

Disk clean up........

Disk Cleanup
This program used for cleaning harddisk to offer space Click : start Then  run type cleanmgr

Creating 3D Window Effect

You can create a nice 3D effect for your windows
Start go run type  Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Colors
Make sure the following setting are there:
ButtonHilight=128 128 128ButtonShadow=255 255 255

Get the keyboard on your desktop screen!!!!!

Do you want to use an onscreen keyboard .

Its simple: Just go to start press run.  Now type osk and  press enter. You will get something like

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Increase the life of Ur DVD Rom

This is an interesting one!!!

This is for those who watch movies on their computer's DVD Rom drive!!!
There is a software called DVD idle pro which can really increase the life of your DVD drive. By using the Smart Read-ahead Cache,
DVD Idle saves DVD data which will be played soon onto the hard disk cache or RAM cache, and
then feeds it to DVD player.
This allows the DVD drive to rest.
For example:
a 6X-speed DVD drive will only work for 15 minutes when you are watching a 90 minutes DVD
here is the link:

Now you can open them fast!!!

Some shortcuts for Windows XP users!!  
"Windows key' + R and type the following (without qoutes) :
"winword" to open Word.
"powerpnt" to open Powerpoint.
"excel" to open Excel "mspaint" to open Paint.
"notepad" to open Notepad.
"wmplayer" to open Windows Media Player.
"wordpad" to open Wordpad.
"sndrec32" to open Sound Recorder.
"iexplore" to open Internet Explorer.
"firefox" to open Firefox.
"msconfig" to control startup.
"services.msc" to manage the Services.

Use of PrintScreen For Some Fun

You know the use of Print screen button on the keyboard [present on top right above insert] .
It captures the screen , right ?
But now I will tell you how to use it for some fun .
Take screen shot of the desktop by pressing Print Screen on the desktop .
Go to Paint and paste this .
Save it .
For Windows XP users
1) On the desktop right click -----> arrange icons by ----> De-select 'Show Desktop Icons '.
2) Now right click the taskbar and select properties .
3) Check auto hide the taskbar. Click OK.
4) Now change your wallpaper and keep the one you saved earlier.
5) If paint is not closed, select File ---------> 'Set as background (Centered) '.
Now on the desktop even if you click any icon nothing will happen !!!
Now do I need to tell you how you can use it for fun on someone Else's PC ?
To revert back to normalcy change the wallpaper and select 'show desktop icons' on the right click menu

You can put shortcuts for shortcuts!!

You can put Keyboard shortcuts for desktop shortcuts.
To do this follow these steps
1) Right click on the shortcut.
2) Go to properties.
3) Click once on the "Shortcut Key" bar.
4) Press any alphabet that you want to use as Shortcut Key.
5) Press OK Now to open that shortcut,
Press CTRL+ALT+"the alphabet".

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

How to Restart Windows without Restarting your PC

  • When you click on the SHUTDOWN button,
  • make sure to simultaneous press SHIFT Button.
  • If you hold the Shift key down while clicking on SHUTDOWN button,
  • you computer would restart without restarting the Computer.
  • This is equivalent to term "HOT REBOOT

Short Cut For Shutdown and Restart On Desktop

On the desktop right click ----> New----> shortcut .
In the location area type (without quotes) "shutdown -r" to reboot, "shutdown -l" to logout, "shutdown -s" to shutdown.
In the name for the shortcut type in any name you are comfortable with e.g SHUTDOWN or RESTART etc.
Click Finish and its done. Now double-click the icon created to perform the actions

Monday, 15 October 2012

How to Remove Virus from USB without any Tool.

This time I m sharing a tweak whom the help of delete any virus in Flash Drive. If you sure that the Virus are avail in Flash Drive and now yet  these virus have not effect on the PC, so see the below
First of all, connect your USB with the port
When USB detect then,
Go to " Folder Option "
Go to " View Tab "
Now unchecked the " Hide Protected operating system files "
After it, checked mark " Show all Files and Folderse "
Now open USB with Explore button
When USB will be open then you see some system files .exe
But you don't delete it 
You will delete " autorun.inf " and " virusname.exe " 
USB virus has been delete.

NOTE:- ( Don't double click on any file during delete the virus ).

Play movie on paint .......

simple first hit the print screen button on the keyboard .

when then media files are playing
then open paint and paste by pressing ctrl+v (paste key) voila the movie starts on the paint application

Remove SHORTCUT link from the desktop folder

how to remove short cut arrows on u'r desktop items
just go to ===> start ===>  run ===>regedi ===>hkey_classes_root ===>
u find a file by name lnkfile click on that to that right u can see a file by name is shortcut delete that and again come to left click on pipfile u delete again is shortcut then restart the pc u cant see the shortcut arrow


With this trick you can play with u'r college pc...after this hack if some one opens my computer he/she'll not see any drive in my computer.Open Registry Editor by typing "regedit.exe" in Run or in command prompt. There you navigate to registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Now in the right pane create a new DWORD item (by right clicking and new->dword) and name it No Drives ( case sensitive).
Now modify it's value by double clicking it and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) .
Restart your computer. So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be seen.
To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete that DWORD item NoDrives that you created (it can be deleted by navigating to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer and selecting the NoDrives and deleting it..del key...).
Again restart your computer.
You can now see all the drives again.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

Ease of Access
Right Shift for eight seconds Turn Filter Keys on and off
Left Alt+Left Shift+PrtScn (or PrtScn) Turn High Contrast on or off
Left Alt+Left Shift+Num Lock Turn Mouse Keys on or off
Shift five times Turn Sticky Keys on or off
Num Lock for five seconds Turn Toggle Keys on or off
Windows logo key +U Open the Ease of Access Center
F1 Display Help
Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert Copy the selected item
Ctrl+X Cut the selected item
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert Paste the selected item
Ctrl+Z Undo an action
Ctrl+Y Redo an action
Delete or Ctrl+D Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin
Shift+Delete Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first
F2 Rename the selected item
Ctrl+Right Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl+Left Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Ctrl+Shift with an arrow key Select a block of text
Shift with any arrow key Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document
Ctrl with any arrow key+Spacebar Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop
Ctrl+A Select all items in a document or window
F3 Search for a file or folder
Alt+Enter Display properties for the selected item
Alt+F4 Close the active item, or exit the active program
Alt+Spacebar Open the shortcut menu for the active window
Ctrl+F4 Close the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
Alt+Tab Switch between open items
Ctrl+Alt+Tab Use the arrow keys to switch between open items
Ctrl+Mouse scroll wheel Change the size of icons on the desktop
Windows logo key +Tab Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D
Ctrl+Windows logo key +Tab Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D
Alt+Esc Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened
F6 Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F4 Display the address bar list in Windows Explorer
Shift+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
Ctrl+Esc Open the Start menu
Alt+underlined letter Display the corresponding menu
Alt+underlined letter Perform the menu command (or other underlined command)
F10 Activate the menu bar in the active program
Right Arrow Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu
Left Arrow Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu
F5 or Ctrl+R Refresh the active window
Alt+Up Arrow View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer
Esc Cancel the current task
Ctrl+Shift+Esc Open Task Manager
Shift when you insert a CD Prevent the CD from automatically playing
Left Alt+Shift Switch the input language when multiple input languages are enabled
Ctrl+Shift Switch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are enabled
Right or Left Ctrl+Shift Change the reading direction of text in right-to-left reading languages
Dialog box
Ctrl+Tab Move forward through tabs
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Move back through tabs
Tab Move forward through options
Shift+Tab Move back through options
Alt+underlined letter Perform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter
Enter Replaces clicking the mouse for many selected commands
Spacebar Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box
Arrow keys Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons
F1 Display Help
F4 Display the items in the active list
Backspace Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box
Windows logo key
Windows logo key Open or close the Start menu.
Windows logo key +Pause Display the System Properties dialog box.
Windows logo key +D Display the desktop.
Windows logo key +M Minimize all windows.
Windows logo key +Shift+M Restore minimized windows to the desktop.
Windows logo key +E Open Computer.
Windows logo key +F Search for a file or folder.
Ctrl+Windows logo key +F Search for computers (if you're on a network).
Windows logo key +L Lock your computer or switch users.
Windows logo key +R Open the Run dialog box.
Windows logo key +T Cycle through programs on the taskbar.
Windows logo key +number Start the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the program is already running, switch to that program.
Shift+Windows logo key +number Start a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Ctrl+Windows logo key +number Switch to the last active window of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Alt+Windows logo key +number Open the Jump List for the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Windows logo key +Tab Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.
Ctrl+Windows logo key +Tab Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.
Ctrl+Windows logo key +B Switch to the program that displayed a message in the notification area.
Windows logo key +Spacebar Preview the desktop.
Windows logo key +Up Arrow Maximize the window.
Windows logo key +Left Arrow Maximize the window to the left side of the screen.
Windows logo key +Right Arrow Maximize the window to the right side of the screen.
Windows logo key +Down Arrow Minimize the window.
Windows logo key +Home Minimize all but the active window.
Windows logo key +Shift+Up Arrow Stretch the window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Windows logo key +Shift+Left Arrow or Right Arrow Move a window from one monitor to another.
Windows logo key +P Choose a presentation display mode.
Windows logo key +G Cycle through gadgets.
Windows logo key +U Open Ease of Access Center.
Windows logo key +X Open Windows Mobility Center.
Windows Explorer
Ctrl+N Open a new window
Ctrl+W Close the current window
Ctrl+Shift+N Create a new folder
End Display the bottom of the active window
Home Display the top of the active window
F11 Maximize or minimize the active window
Ctrl+Period (.) Rotate a picture clockwise
Ctrl+Comma (,) Rotate a picture counter-clockwise
Num Lock+Asterisk (*)on numeric keypad Display all subfolders under the selected folder
Num Lock+Plus Sign (+) on numeric keypad Display the contents of the selected folder
Num Lock+Minus Sign (-) on numeric keypad Collapse the selected folder
Left Arrow Collapse the current selection (if it's expanded), or select the parent folder
Alt+Enter Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item
Alt+P Display the preview pane
Alt+Left Arrow View the previous folder
Backspace View the previous folder
Right Arrow Display the current selection (if it's collapsed), or select the first subfolder
Alt+Right Arrow View the next folder
Alt+Up Arrow View the parent folder
Ctrl+Shift+E Display all folders above the selected folder
Ctrl+Mouse scroll wheel Change the size and appearance of file and folder icons
Alt+D Select the address bar
Ctrl+E Select the search box
Ctrl+F Select the search box
Shift+Click on a taskbar button Open a program or quickly open another instance of a program
Ctrl+Shift+Click on a taskbar button Open a program as an administrator
Shift+Right-click on a taskbar button Show the window menu for the program
Shift+Right-click on a grouped taskbar button Show the window menu for the group
Ctrl+Click on a grouped taskbar button Cycle through the windows of the group
Windows logo key + Plus Sign or Minus Sign Zoom in or out
Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar Preview the desktop in full-screen mode
Ctrl+Alt+F Switch to full-screen mode
Ctrl+Alt+L Switch to lens mode
Ctrl+Alt+D Switch to docked mode
Ctrl+Alt+I Invert colors
Ctrl+Alt+arrow keys Pan in the direction of the arrow keys
Ctrl+Alt+R Resize the lens
Windows logo key + Esc Exit Magnifier
Remote Desktop Connection
Alt+Page Up Move between programs from left to right.
Alt+Page Down Move between programs from right to left.
Alt+Insert Cycle through programs in the order that they were started in.
Alt+Home Display the Start menu.
Ctrl+Alt+Break Switch between a window and full screen.
Ctrl+Alt+End Display the Windows Security dialog box.
Alt+Delete Display the system menu.
Ctrl+Alt+Minus Sign (-) on the numeric keypad Place a copy of the active window, within the client, on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing Alt+PrtScn on a local computer).
Ctrl+Alt+Plus Sign (+) on the numeric keypad Place a copy of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing PrtScn on a local computer).
Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow “Tab” out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host program (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) program.
Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow “Tab” out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host program (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) program.
Ctrl+N Create a new picture
Ctrl+O Open an existing picture
Ctrl+S Save changes to a picture
F12 Save the picture as a new file
Ctrl+P Print a picture
Alt+F4 Close a picture and its Paint window
Ctrl+Z Undo a change
Ctrl+Y Redo a change
Ctrl+A Select the entire picture
Ctrl+X Cut a selection
Ctrl+C Copy a selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl+V Paste a selection from the Clipboard
Right Arrow Move the selection or active shape right by one pixel
Left Arrow Move the selection or active shape left by one pixel
Down Arrow Move the selection or active shape down by one pixel
Up Arrow Move the selection or active shape up by one pixel
Esc Cancel a selection
Delete Delete a selection
Ctrl+B Bold selected text
Ctrl++ Increase the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl+- Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl+I Italicize selected text
Ctrl+U Underline selected text
Ctrl+E Open the Properties dialog box
Ctrl+W Open the Resize and Skew dialog box
Ctrl+Page Up Zoom in
Ctrl+Page Down Zoom out
F11 View a picture in full-screen mode
Ctrl+R Show or hide the ruler
Ctrl+G Show or hide gridlines
F10 or Alt Display keytips
Shift+F10 Show the current shortcut menu
F1 Open Paint Help
Ctrl+N Create a new document
Ctrl+O Open an existing document
Ctrl+S Save changes to a document
F12 Save the document as a new file
Ctrl+P Print a document
Alt+F4 Close WordPad
Ctrl+Z Undo a change
Ctrl+Y Redo a change
Ctrl+A Select the entire document
Ctrl+X Cut a selection
Ctrl+C Copy a selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl+V Paste a selection from the Clipboard
Ctrl+B Make selected text bold
Ctrl+I Italicize selected text
Ctrl+U Underline selected text
Ctrl+= Make selected text subscript
Ctrl+Shift+= Make selected text superscript
Ctrl+L Align text left
Ctrl+E Align text center
Ctrl+R Align text right
Ctrl+J Justify text
Ctrl+1 Set single line spacing
Ctrl+2 Set double line spacing
Ctrl+5 Set line spacing to 1.5
Ctrl+Shift+> Increase the font size
Ctrl+Shift+< Decrease the font size
Ctrl+Shift+A Change characters to all capitals
Ctrl+Shift+L Change the bullet style
Ctrl+D Insert a Microsoft Paint drawing
Ctrl+F Find text in a document
F3 Find the next instance of the text in the Find dialog box
Ctrl+H Replace text in a document
Ctrl+Left Arrow Move the cursor one word to the left
Ctrl+Right Arrow Move the cursor one word to the right
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move the cursor to the line above
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move the cursor to the line below
Ctrl+Home Move to the beginning of the document
Ctrl+End Move to the end of the document
Ctrl+Page Up Move up one page
Ctrl+Page Down Move down one page
Ctrl+Delete Delete the next word
F10 Display keytips
Shift+F10 Show the current shortcut menu
F1 Open WordPad Help
Alt+1 Switch to Standard mode
Alt+2 Switch to Scientific mode
Alt+3 Switch to Programmer mode
Alt+4 Switch to Statistics mode
Ctrl+E Open date calculations
Ctrl+H Turn calculation history on or off
Ctrl+U Open unit conversion
Alt+C Calculate or solve date calculations and worksheets
F1 Open Calculator Help
Ctrl+Q Press the M- button
Ctrl+P Press the M+ button
Ctrl+M Press the MS button
Ctrl+R Press the MR button
Ctrl+L Press the MC button
% Press the % button
F9 Press the +/– button
/ Press the / button
* Press the * button
+ Press the + button
- Press the – button
R Press the 1/× button
@ Press the square root button
0-9 Press the number buttons (0-9)
= Press the = button
. Press the . (decimal point) button
Backspace Press the backspace button
Esc Press the C button
Del Press the CE button
Ctrl+Shift+D Clear the calculation history
F2 Edit the calculation history
Up Arrow key Navigate up in the calculation history
Down Arrow key Navigate down in the calculation history
Esc Cancel editing the calculation history
Enter Recalculate the calculation history after editing
F3 Select Degrees in Scientific mode
F4 Select Radians in Scientific mode
F5 Select Grads in Scientific mode
I Press the Inv button in Scientific mode
D Press the Mod button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+S Press the sinh button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+O Press the cosh button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+T Press the tanh button in Scientific mode
( Press the ( button in Scientific mode
) Press the ) button in Scientific mode
N Press the ln button in Scientific mode
; Press the Int button in Scientific mode
S Press the sin button in Scientific mode
O Press the cos button in Scientific mode
T Press the tan button in Scientific mode
M Press the dms button in Scientific mode
P Press the pi button in Scientific mode
V Press the F-E button in Scientific mode
X Press the Exp button in Scientific mode
Q Press the x^2 button in Scientific mode
Y Press the x^y button in Scientific mode
# Press the x^3 button in Scientific mode
L Press the log button in Scientific mode
! Press the n! button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+Y Press the y√x button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+B Press the 3√x button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+G Press the 10x button in Scientific mode
F5 Select Hex in Programmer mode
F6 Select Dec in Programmer mode
F7 Select Oct in Programmer mode
F8 Select Bin in Programmer mode
F12 Select Qword in Programmer mode
F2 Select Dword in Programmer mode
F3 Select Word in Programmer mode
F4 Select Byte in Programmer mode
K Press the RoR button in Programmer mode
J Press the RoL button in Programmer mode
< Press the Lsh button in Programmer mode
> Press the Rsh button in Programmer mode
% Press the Mod button in Programmer mode
( Press the ( button in Programmer mode
) Press the ) button in Programmer mode
| Press the Or button in Programmer mode
^ Press the Xor button in Programmer mode
~ Press the Not button in Programmer mode
& Press the And button in Programmer mode
A-F Press the A-F buttons in Programmer mode
Spacebar Toggles the bit value in Programmer mode
A Press the Average button in Statistics mode
Ctrl+A Press the Average Sq button in Statistics mode
S Press the Sum button in Statistics mode
Ctrl+S Press the Sum Sq button in Statistics mode
T Press the S.D. button in Statistics mode
Ctrl+T Press the Inv S.D. button in Statistics mode
D Press the CAD button in Statistics mode
Windows Journal
Ctrl+N Start a new note
Ctrl+O Open a recently used note
Ctrl+S Save changes to a note
Ctrl+Shift+V Move a note to a specific folder
Ctrl+P Print a note
Alt+F4 Close a note and its Journal window
Ctrl+Z Undo a change
Ctrl+Y Redo a change
Ctrl+A Select all items on a page
Ctrl+X Cut a selection
Ctrl+C Copy a selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl+V Paste a selection from the Clipboard
Esc Cancel a selection
Delete Delete a selection
Ctrl+F Start a basic find
Ctrl+G Go to a page
F5 Refresh find results
F5 Refresh the note list
F6 Toggle between a note list and a note
Ctrl+Shift+C Display a shortcut menu for column headings in a note list
F11 View a note in full-screen mode
F1 Open Journal Help
Windows Help viewer
Alt+C Display the Table of Contents
Alt+N Display the Connection Settings menu
F10 Display the Options menu
Alt+Left Arrow Move back to the previously viewed topic
Alt+Right Arrow Move forward to the next (previously viewed) topic
Alt+A Display the customer support page
Alt+Home Display the Help and Support home page
Home Move to the beginning of a topic
End Move to the end of a topic
Ctrl+F Search the current topic
Ctrl+P Print a topic
F3 Move the cursor to the search box